精油舒緩圈 Essential Oils Relaxation Circle
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A group specifically established for individuals interested in using essential oils for mental and physical relaxation.
免責聲明 (Disclaimer)
本網站不對非官方成員分享的內容承擔任何責任或義務。Users should fact-check before purchasing or using products; our website does not take ownership or liability for content shared by non-official members.
Group Rules
尊重與友善 (Respect and Courtesy)
尊重與友善 (Respect and Courtesy) 對所有成員保持尊重和友善的態度。避免任何形式的冒犯、侮辱或負面評論。 Please maintain respect and courtesy towards all members. Avoid any form of offense, insult, or negative comments.
分享專業知識 (Share Expertise)
鼓勵成員分享使用精油進行放鬆的經驗和技巧,但需確保信息的準確性。 Members are encouraged to share their experiences and techniques with essential oils for relaxation, but must ensure the accuracy of the information.
核實信息 (Verify Information)
在購買或使用任何產品前,請自行核實相關信息的真實性和安全性。本網站不對非官方成員的分享承擔任何責任或法律責任。 Before purchasing or using any products, please verify the authenticity and safety of the information on your own. Our website does not take any
保持相關性 (Stay Relevant)
所有討論和分享內容需與使用精油進行心理和身體放鬆相關。避免發表與本小組主題無關的內容。 All discussions and shared content must be relevant to the use of essential oils for mental and physical relaxation. Avoid posting content unrelated to the
禁止商業廣告 (No Commercial Advertising)
不允許發布任何形式的商業廣告或推銷信息。本小組旨在提供一個學習和分享的環境,而非商業推廣。 No commercial advertising or promotional messages are allowed. This group is meant to be a learning and sharing environment, not for commercial promotion.
尊重版權 (Respect Copyright)
分享的內容必須是原創或您有權分享的。對於引用或轉載的內容,請明確標示來源。 Shared content must be original or you must have the right to share it. Clearly cite the source for any quoted or reproduced content.
保持秩序 (Maintain Order)
請遵守小組管理員設定的任何其他規則和指引,維持討論的秩序和效率。 Please adhere to any additional rules and guidelines set by the group administrators to maintain the order and efficiency of discussions.
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June 19, 2024
Created by